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Guillelmi de Conchis Opera omnia

An edition of the complete works of William of Conches (Guillaume de Conches) was launched in 1988 by the late Abbot Dom Eligius Dekkers osb, founder of Corpus Christianorum. Dom Dekkers entrusted Édouard Jeauneau (1924-2019) with the care of that edition. The role of Édouard Jeauneau, as director of the project, has been to find editors for each of the various works of William and to ensure that a certain harmony of style is observed. A summary of his efforts may be found in the edition of the Glosae super Platonem (CCCM 203, pp. X-XV).

  • First volume: 1997

  • Number of volumes published: 3 (most recent volume: 2006)

  • Publication frequency: irregular

  • Editorial responsibility: Irene Caiazzo & Andrew Hicks

  • Publishing manager: Bart Janssens

  • Guidelines

CCCM, Vol.
GCOO, Vol.
Additamentum ad Guillelmi de Conchis 'Dragmaticon Philosophiae' (= Dragmaticon VI, 27)
Additamentum ad Guillelmi de Conchis 'Dragmaticon Philosophiae' (= Dragmaticon VI, 27)
I. Ronca, A. Badia
Glossulae Digbeianae super Platonem (maxima ex parte e Guillemi de Conchis Glossis haustae)
E.A. Jeauneau
Guillelmus de Conchis
Dragmaticon Philosophiae
I. Ronca, A. Badia
Guillelmus de Conchis
Glosae super Boethium
L. Nauta
Guillelmus de Conchis
Glosae super Platonem
E.A. Jeauneau
Hisdosus scholasticus
Excerpta e tractatu De anima mundi (Commentarius in Platonis Timaeum - Paris, BnF Lat. 8624)
E.A. Jeauneau


In preparation

  • Philosophia

The edition of the Philosophia in its two redactions (Versio prior, Versio altera) is in preparation by Paul Edward Dutton. Professor Dutton has considerably enriched the list of manuscripts containing the Philosophia: see his Étienne Gilson Lecture, The Mystery of the Missing Heresy Trial of William of Conches (Toronto, 2006).

  • Glosae super Macrobium

    • Versio breuior: The edition is being prepared by Helen Rodnite Lemay, Irene Caiazzo, and Andrew Hicks;

    • Versio longior: The edition is being prepared by Irene Caiazzo (CNRS, Paris).

  • Glosae super Priscianum: the edition may require three volumes:

    • I. Glosulae de magno Prisciano [Institutiones I–XVI]. Versio altera, ed. Andrew Hicks, Michael Elliot and Stephen Pelle;

    • II. Glosae super Prisciani Librum Constructionum [Institutiones XVII–XVIII], ed. Winston Black and Andrew Hicks;

    • III. Glosulae de magno Prisciano [Institutiones I–XVI]. Versio prior. A qualified scholar has shown interest in the project.


A complementary series, named Supplementum, has also been planned. It will contain works which, although not William of Conches’s authentic writings, echo his thought in a significant manner. The works currently planned for the complementary series include:

  • Supplementum I: Hisdosi De anima mundi (in Timaeum 34b–36d) and Anonymi Commentum in 'O qui perpetua', ed. Andrew Hicks;

  • Supplementum II: Anonymi Summa Philosophiae, ed. Paul Edward Dutton.

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