Editorial Team
The Latin series of Corpus Christianorum (SL-CM) are run by a dedicated editorial team, based at Brepols Publishers’ Corpus Christianorum Knowledge Centre in Turnhout. Working closely together with the international Academic Board for the SL-CM series, the team members are involved in assessing and reviewing new projects, as well as assisting editors throughout the production of each new critical edition that is included in the series. They offer advice on problems of textual transmission and ratio edendi, as well as providing support on issues such as how to organise the introduction, bibliography, apparatuses, footnotes, and fonts. The Knowledge Centre is also home to the Corpus Christianorum library and the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO), both of which are at the disposal of editors working on critical editions. CTLO's specialist software makes it possible to check the vocabulary used in a manuscript against different databases, enabling us to generate an anomaly list that can greatly assist editors. We offer in-house IT support, and our skilled team are also on hand to help with specific tasks.

Critical editions of Latin and Greek texts and related publications, particularly on historical theology and Byzantine history.
Corpus Christianorum.
Begijnhof 39
B-2300 Turnhout
Tel: +32 (0)14 71 10 55

Critical editions of christian Latin texts and related publications, particularly on late antique and early medieval history. Full text databases.
Corpus Christianorum.
Begijnhof 39
B-2300 Turnhout
Tel: +32 (0)14 74 39 96

Critical editions of christian Latin texts and related publications, particularly on medieval literature, history, sermons, and hagiography.
Corpus Christianorum.
Begijnhof 39
B-2300 Turnhout
Tel: +32 (0)14 71 10 43

Vande Veire

Database development, analysis
Begijnhof 39
B-2300 Turnhout
Tel: +32 (0)14 71 10 44