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Rita Beyers: accession à l'éméritat

Writer's picture: BRBR

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

L'année dernière la professeure Rita Beyers (Université d'Anvers) a pris sa retraite. À cette occasion, un nombre d'amis et de collègues ont uni leurs forces pour composer un volume de mélanges contenant des contributions sur des thèmes qui lui tiennent à cœur:

G. Guldentops - Chr. Laes - G. Partoens (eds), Felici curiositate. Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century in Honour of Rita Beyers (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 72), Turnhout, 2017.


In the first section, new light is shed on some important apocryphal texts from the second to the tenth century. The second part is devoted to literary and doctrinal aspects of works produced in the patristic era. The third part brings together a number of micro-historical studies on medieval (Latin, Byzantine, and vernacular) literature. The papers of the fourth section present some little-known Neo-Latin texts and offer a fresh analysis of the reception of ancient Christian texts in modern French and English literature. The volume, which contains several critical editions of previously unedited texts, concludes with two essays musing on the art of textual editing and the quintessence of philology.

Guy Guldentops is researcher at the Philosophy Department of the University of Cologne. Christian Laes is Associate Professor of Latin and Ancient History at the University of Antwerp, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Tampere. Gert Partoens is Associate Professor of Latin literature at the KU Leuven.

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