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Early Medieval Latin Culture

Writer's picture: BRBR

Scott G. Bruce presents a very rich collection of studies about medieval languages and literature in northern Europe in late antiquity and the Middle Ages on the occasion of Michael W. Herren's 80th birthday. It is volume 85 of the series Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia.

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Litterarum dulces fructus presents studies about medieval languages and literature in northern Europe in late antiquity and the Middle Ages. Drawing inspiration from the scholarship of Professor Michael Herren, founding editor of The Journal of Medieval Latin, this florilegium of studies advances our understanding of the dynamics of Latin and vernacular literature and learning in the early medieval world. Taken together, the papers gathered in this volume cast light on authors, poets, glossators, and compilers at work as they grappled with linguistic and literary ambitions and challenges, while negotiating their use of ancient authorities to address contemporary concerns.

Scott G. Bruce is professor of medieval history at Fordham University in the Bronx, New York.

Table of Contents

Scott G. Bruce ― Michael W. Herren: An Appreciation Alexander Andrée ― Ad utrumque paratus: The Medieval Latinist and the Classical Tradition Walter Berschin ― Iohannes Scottus Eriugena, Honorius Augustodunensis und die karolingisch-neuplatonische Naturphilosophie im Bild (Paris, BNF Latin 6734) Scott G. Bruce ― The Redemption of Flavius Josephus in the Medieval Latin Tradition Brigitte Bulitta ― Ein Heiliger als furcifer: Zur Glossierung von latineisch glisis durch frühmittelhochdeutsch ouenkere in einem Fuldaer Handschriftenfragment der Vita Wilhelmini confessoris aus dem 12. Jahrhundert Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann ― The Whole and Parts of Adhelm’s De metris et enigmatibus ac pedum regulis (Epistola ad Acircium) Scott Gwara ― Pioneer Connoisseurship in Upper Canada: Henry Scadding’s 1901 Bequest of Early Manuscripts at the University of Toronto in 1901 Justin Haynes ― Roger Bacon’s Reading of Aethicus Ister in His Opus Maius Michael Lapidge ― Poetic Compounds in Late Latin and Early Medieval Latin Verse (300-900) Patrizia Lendinara ― Medieval Versifications of Lists of Animal Sounds Tristan Major ― The Number Seventy-Two in Early Anglo-Latin Literature Haruko Momma ― ‘Element by Element’: Glosses, Loan Translations, and Lexical Enrichment in Old English Joseph Falaky Nagy ― A Future for the Beholder’s Eye Sinead O’Sullivan ― The Practice of ‘Alignment’ in Medieval Ireland Jennifer Reid ― Patrick and Social Identity at the End of Roman Britain Peter Stotz † ― Iam satis blando satiate Iusu: Eine bisher unbekannte Ode eines Humanisten auf die Jungfrau Maria Mariken Teeuwen ― I2’s Interest in Music: Two Manuscripts that Witness His Knowledge and Scholarship Benjamin Wheaton ― Nicetius of Trier’s Letter to Justinian and the Aphthartodocetic Controversy Dylan Wilkerson ― Filologos ration uel uerbi amatores: Interpretive Strategies of a Medieval PhilologistPreserved in the Corpus Glossary

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