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Jerome and Rome

Writer's picture: BRBR

On the occasion of the 1600th anniversary of Jerome's death Ingo Schaaf (together with Emanuela Prinzivalli, Barbara Feichtinger and Giuseppe Carusso) enriches the series Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia with a collection of studies focusing on Rome’s unique and exemplary meaning for Jerome’s life and works (IPM, 87).

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Rome, be it as a concrete space or as a concept and idea, occupies an outstanding place in the thoughts and actions of Jerome of Stridon (c. 347–419). Glowing propagandist of the ideal of asceticism in the Latin sphere and highly influential scholar of the Bible, he received his philological education here as well as his baptism. Beyond this background of study and adherence to the church of Rome, the Vrbs continued to hold a key position for him, who under the pontificate of Damasus established himself as a mediator between East and West and translator of Scripture. A sharp-tongued and increasingly controversial figure at the same time, Jerome subsequently turned into the target of antiascetic criticism and, once bereft of papal protection, had to leave Rome for good. However, even in distant Palestine, the city on the Tiber and its memories remained present in the writings of Jerome, who did not stop using a Roman network in order to have his works circulate within the Vrbs and eventually lamented its fall as that of “the entire world in a city”.

From multifaceted perspectives – historical, philological, theological, exegetical and archaeological – the papers collected in this volume explore Rome’s unique and exemplary meaning for Jerome’s life and works. In the juxtaposition of both lieux de mémoire, the father of the Church and the Vrbs, this reciprocal thematic cut illuminates additional aspects of a Roma Christiana as imagined by Jerome, and of the Stridonian himself as both key figurations of Late Antiquity.

Ingo Schaaf, PhD (2012), is senior researcher in Patristics and the History of the Ancient Church at the University of Fribourg and guest professor at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome. -- Emanuela Prinzivalli, PhD (1987), is full professor (since 2000) of the History of Christianity and the Churches at Sapienza University and guest professor at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome. -- Barbara Feichtinger, PhD (1988), is full professor (since 1997) of Latin Philology at the University of Konstanz. -- Giuseppe Caruso OSA, ThD (2011), is professor of Patrology at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome, president of that same institute (since 2016), and a member of the Pontificia Academia Latinitatis.

Table of Contents

Foreword (Ingo Schaaf, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Barbara Feichtinger, Giuseppe Caruso) Introductiva Stadtgespräch: Hieronymus und Rom im Dialog der Spätantike (Ingo Schaaf) Girolamo e il “bel mondo” di Roma (Emanuela Prinzivalli) Hieronymus und Aurelius von Karthago: Eine (Nicht-)Begegnung in Rom (Barbara Feichtinger) Girolamo, Pelagio e Roma (Giuseppe Caruso)

Historiographica Auratum squalet Capitolium: La città di Roma al tempo di Girolamo (Massimiliano Ghilardi) The History of Israel and the Early History of Rome in the Light of Jerome’s Writings (Eberhard Bons) Ecclesiastica Sub umbra Damasi: I rapporti fra Girolamo e Ambrosiaster alla luce del progetto ecclesiologico di Damaso (Emanuele Di Santo) La veste del sacerdote cristiano fra spunti esegetici ed esigenze ascetiche: Un’indagine sul punto di vista di Girolamo, a partire dalla lettera alla romana Fabiola (Carla Noce) Ascetica L’ascetismo romano fra Damaso e Siricio (Roberto Alciati) Bethlehem contra Romam? Il tema dell’angulus declinato nelle Epistole geronimiane (Giorgia Grandi) Polemica Dalla polemica contro Gioviniano alla polemica antiorigeniana (Francesco Pieri) Origenes in Rom: Hieronymus und Rufinus über die Frage, wie man Origenes lesen soll (Alfons Fürst) Exegetica Come nasce un filologo (Leopoldo Gamberale) Gerolamo interprete dei Salmi nel periodo romano (Alessandro Capone) Romae Halosis Tacui sciens tempus esse lacrimarum: Girolamo legge Roma e la sua caduta alla luce della Scrittura (Sincero Mantelli) De occidente rumor (Hier. epist. 127, 12): Hieronymus' Blick auf Rom aus dem Osten (Ulrich Eigler) Repercussiones "Roma" in the Letters of Jerome: A Pattern and Sentiment Analysis (Marie Revellio) Necessitudines Polemic, Patronage and Memories of Rome in the Prefaces to Jerome’s Pauline Commentaries (Andrew Cain) Pammachius et Marcella: Amis, ἐργοδιῶκται et défenseurs de Jérôme à Rome (Aline Canellis) Posteritati Habet suam ἐνέργειαν veritas: Girolamo a Roma tra Umanesimo e Controriforma (Michela Cilenti) Secunda post naufragium tabula. Girolamo e la penitenza nella prima età moderna (Maria Fallica) Index locorum antiquorum

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