Corpus Christianorum. Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta (CCCOGD) focuses on what has been decreed in different forms by those church councils recognised as ecumenical by one or more churches, by general councils of the churches of one or more traditions, as well as by councils which have a greater importance in the history of the individual churches. Volume 6.1 (ed. A. Melloni, with the collaboration of G. Braghi) turns its attention to the synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation from 1526 to 1616.
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This two-volume set includes the critical editions – in some cases the very first critical editions – of a selection of synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation from 1526 to 1616. This collection of synodal decrees represents different confessional families and covers a wide linguistic and geographical spectrum.
Alberto Melloni is Full Professor of History of Christianity at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Secretary and Director of the Foundation for Religious Studies (Fscire) and Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair on Religious Pluralism and Peace at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He was also the Chair for the 2021 Italian Presidency of the IF20 by the G20 Interfaith Forum. Since 2020, he has been one of the European Commission’s Chief Scientific Advisors.
Gianmarco Braghi, PhD (Trinity College Dublin), is Assistant Professor of History of Christianity at the University of Palermo and a member of the Foundation for Religious Studies (Fscire), where he acts as Deputy Coordinator of the “Giuseppe Alberigo” European School for Advanced Religious Studies. He is a member of the Board of the Reformation Research Consortium (REFORC) and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Stitching Calvin’s Reforming Correspondence.
Table of Contents
General introduction (A. Melloni)
1526 Concilium Hombergense (J. Schilling)
1527 Concilium Iuliomagense (C. Scheidegger)
1528 Disputatio et Decem Theses Bernenses (P. Hildebrand)
1530 Concilium Augustanum (K. Stjerna)
1532 Concilium Bernense (P. Hildebrand)
1532 Concilium Campi Foranei (iuxta Hengroniam) (G. Braghi)
1532 Synodus Tigurina (E. Campi)
1533/4 Concilium Argentoratense (G. Braghi & G. Murdock)
1541 Concilium Genevense (G. Braghi & G. Murdock)
1545, 1567, 1570 Concilia Hungarica et Transsylvanica (Z. Csepregi)
1550 Concilium Venetianum-Ferrariense (D. Dainese)
1559/71 Concilia Lutetianum & Rupellense (I. Dingel)
1563/71 Concilium Londinense (T. Kirby)
1564 Concilium Atverpianum (G. Braghi & G. Murdock)
1568/71 Conventus Vesaliensis et Synodus Embdana (H.P. Jürgens)
1570 Concilium Sandomiriense (M. Ptaszyński)
1577 Concilium Saxonicum (I. Dingel & J. Hund)
1593 Concilium Upsaliense (O. Bexell)
1595 Articuli Lambethani (T. Kirby)
1610 Concilium Tuiscoburgense (A. Mühling)
1614/5 Concilium Hibernicum (T. Kirby)
1616 Concilium Aberdoniense Ecclesiae Scoticanae (I. Hazlett)